Welcome to the Overcome Anxiety Course, the course that is, obviously, about helping you learn how to overcome fears and anxieties that may be permeating your life.
First, let’s talk about what this course is not:
In the beginning of the course, we’ll be looking at gaining a deep understanding of anxiety in general, as well as our own particular anxieties. The fact is that dealing with our fears and insecurities requires a deep understanding of ourselves and looking at our own beliefs and shortcomings.
The second part of the course will look at the psychological practices that are most popularly used to treat anxiety in patients and how we can adapt these methods for you to use at home and through this website.
And finally, the end of the course will be about taking action against your anxieties to help you overcome them once and for all.
Each lesson is divided up into a video explanation, and then a written exercise. Some of the written exercises will also involve commenting on other people’s written responses in order to help generate a more collaborative effort among members.
And finally, some lessons will require you to do an exercise out in the real world. I just ask that you be honest in completing them.
Choose a single anxiety to focus on in this course. And choose an actionable goal to achieve by the end of the course.